15 Best Developed Countries Globally: Ideal Places to Live

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15 Best Developed Countries Globally: Ideal Places to Live
15 Best Developed Countries Globally: Ideal Places to Live

To identify a developed country, numerous indicators must be checked. Factors such as a highly developed economy, technological advancement, and infrastructure growth are just a few of the things to examine. Several criteria are used for ranking the most developed countries globally, but the countries mentioned in this post are ranked according to their HDI (Human Development Index). The HDI, established by the United Nations, combines economic measures and national income with life expectancy, education, and the freedom its citizens enjoy to form a reliable rating. All of these countries boast exceptional healthcare and economic welfare, high standards of living, and numerous job opportunities. So here are the 15 best-developed countries to live in the world.

15. Canada


Much like its neighboring country, the USA, Canada's Human Development Index has dropped in recent years from the top 10. Nevertheless, it is still one of the most developed countries globally, with a score of 0.929 on the Human Development Index. It is one of the world's wealthiest nations, boasting an economy dominated by the service industry. Its high quality of life is entirely satisfactory for its people, and its healthcare system stands above the rest. The Canadian healthcare system, known as Medicare, offers free basic healthcare to everyone based on need rather than the ability to pay.

14. New Zealand

New Zeland

New Zealand is a wealthy nation comprising two main islands and many smaller ones. The country has a market economy, predominantly dependent on agriculture, but manufacturing and tourism also make significant contributions. The average life expectancy in New Zealand is 80, and the country's GDP is 214 billion dollars. Alongside a high GDP per capita and an HDI of 0.931, it is the world's 14th most developed country. Moreover, all residents in New Zealand have access to government-subsidized care, which incurs no out-of-pocket costs.

13. Belgium


Centrally located in Western Europe, Belgium is regarded as the symbolic capital of Europe. It's home to the headquarters of the European Union in Brussels. With a highly developed, high-income economy, Belgium is the 13th most developed country in the world. It boasts very high standards of living, quality of life, healthcare, and education. Its citizens enjoy very high human development as per the Human Development Index, with a score of 0.931.

12. United Kingdom

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is a highly developed nation that wields considerable international economic, political, scientific, and cultural influence. Despite the implications of Brexit, its ranking remains unaffected, holding an HDI score of 0.932. As the 12th most developed country in the world, the UK provides high standards of living for its citizens. It possesses the sixth-largest economy in the world, where the service sector is the primary contributor, accounting for 78% of the GDP.

11. Singapore


Though Singapore has slipped from its previous ninth position, it remains the 11th most developed country in the world. Known for its high-tech advancements and prosperity, Singapore offers some of the world's highest standards of living. Its highly trade-oriented market economy contributes to a GDP of 340 billion dollars. Additionally, it has the fourth longest life expectancy globally, averaging 85 years.

10. Finland


Finland is a small country on a global scale. The population of Finland makes up just 0.07 percent of the world's population. But even a small country can jump to the top of the world and this is what Finland has done in international country comparisons of positive things. Finland is often among the top countries next to other Nordic countries. It scores highly in almost every index on the report from HDI, foundations of well-being, and personal freedoms.

9. Denmark


Denmark has moved up a spot in this ranking since the score that it got is 0.940. What makes Denmark ranked among the highly developed countries of the world is that it has a modern mixed economy which is highly developed, has the highest levels of income equality, is Europe's easiest place for doing business, and offers low costs for establishing a business with a high standard of living.

8. The Netherlands

The Netherlands

The Netherlands is famously one of the most tolerant countries in the world, so its position in the top 10 should be no surprise. It's one of the highest-scoring countries on personal freedom and choice. Its HDI value is 0.944, which puts the country in the very high human development category, positioning it at 8 out of 189 countries and territories. Moreover, its average life expectancy is 82, and the country is also ranked as the fourth happiest country in the world.

7. Australia


Australia, affectionately referred to as "the land down under", despite its recent drop in the human development ranking, still remains one of the best-developed countries to live in. The country boasts a life expectancy of 83 years and has continually maintained one of the world's highest standards of living. Its economy, one of the world's largest capitalist economies, relies significantly on the service sector, although mining and agriculture also make substantial contributions to its GDP of $1.3 trillion.

6. Sweden


With an economy strengthened by public-private partnerships, Sweden's low unemployment rate reflects its robust economic status. The nation has a heavily subsidized social security network, backed by its $538 billion GDP and a high per capita GDP. Besides its economy, Sweden takes pride in its advanced welfare system, high living standards, and a life expectancy of 82 years, ranking it as the sixth most developed country in the world.

5. Germany


Germany, with an HDI score of 0.947, holds the fifth position in the world's most developed countries list. It is the most industrialized and populous and has the largest national economy in Europe. The concept of a social market economy underpins Germany's robust economy. Moreover, Germany boasts the oldest and most comprehensive healthcare system in the world.

4. Iceland


Iceland is esteemed for its high economic, democratic, and social stability, as well as equality, ranking third globally by median wealth per adult. Currently, it is the 4th most developed country according to the United Nations HDI, and it tops the Global Peace Index. Despite its small size, Iceland's economy thrives due to high levels of free trade.

3. Switzerland


As one of the world's wealthiest nations, Switzerland has an extraordinarily stable economy that prioritizes long-term monetary security, making it a preferred choice for global investors. Beyond foreign investment, the country relies heavily on high labor specialization, trade, and industries, earning a GDP of $750 billion. The country's high standards of living are matched by a life expectancy of 82 years. Despite housing some of the world's most expensive cities, Swiss citizens indeed get value for their money, especially in medical, education, and safety areas according to the Social Progress Report.

2. Ireland


A member of the Eurozone, Ireland, has shown remarkable economic growth over the past decades, placing it high on the HDI index. Its citizens enjoy a high standard of living, complemented by a robust healthcare system and a dynamic, tech-driven economy. The country's education system, especially at the tertiary level, is world-renowned, attracting thousands of international students each year.

1. Norway


Norway tops the list of the world's most developed countries. The country's wealth is primarily driven by natural resources, including oil, gas, minerals, and seafood. Norwegians enjoy an enviable standard of living, supported by a comprehensive social security system and an excellent healthcare system. Moreover, Norway boasts a sophisticated education system, contributing to its high ranking on the HDI.


Each country in this list has its unique strengths that contribute to its high development index. Factors such as economic stability, education, healthcare, and social welfare systems all contribute to a country's development status. However, it's worth noting that development is a continuous process, and even the most developed countries face challenges that need to be addressed. Despite their high HDI, these countries continue to invest in various sectors and pursue policies to maintain or enhance their development status. It is this constant pursuit of progress that keeps these nations at the forefront of global development.